Senin, 02 November 2015

Open Laboratory of UPI

Hello!^^ we were given task from our teacher to post our own presentation (of course) in our blog. The presentation is about unique place we had been there or we ever visited there. For me, i presentated about Open Laboratory of UPI (Open Lab UPI), my unforgettable experience of a-day-journey with my friends and my teacher.
Well, the event was held when me and my friends were in 8th grade, we were accompanied by our biology teacher, Mrs. Ati. We went to UPI from school by school van and arrived about 8 in the morning. In there, we had a tour to 5 kinds of biology laboratory, it was ecology lab, microbiology lab, plantation lab, animal lab, and entomology lab. it was really fun! we were given some lessons about those things and we also saw some experiments. There were also some experiments that made us as the subject like an experiment to know our lung capacity, and many more.
We had so much fun experiences there, and here are some photos in my camera along the event.

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